Stories about: gender
Unlike our younger counterparts, this representation isn’t reflecting our growth, it’s reminding us of how much growing we had to do alone.
I draw parallels between being agnostic and agender: both are non-binary. I feel my agnosticism is my non-binary nature manifest spiritually.
I think of how my sister and I have nothing shared but suffering – a suffering so fragile and cumbersome it is akin to an antique vase.
My characters are genderless, stunning creatures. They are not afraid to talk about what really needs to be talked about.
It became apparent why the way women’s sport is participated in and played resonates so deeply with me: it is so critically important.
I follow a very systematic process for creating my work. The story of Camo all begins with the fabric.
Gender Euphoria didn’t just connect us with the audience – it allowed people to connect to their own self.
“Nothing about gender identity is fixed,” Ohlert writes. “Its development is often a fluid process, changing throughout a lifetime.
It made me hate being a boy. Not because I didn’t want to be one, but because the world around me was letting me know I was doing a bad job at trying.
An array of sexual orientations and gender identities exist in traditional Navajo culture, including a third gender known as nádleeh. This non-binary concept of gender existed in many Indigenous cultures across the United States.
My facial hair, body weight, loud voice, or my instinct to fight do not define my gender. I am not just a gender.
The way I moved my body was the one thing I could control in a world that confused and bewildered me constantly.
Here’s a top 10 list of our editors’ picks for 2021, celebrating some of the incredible articles written by our contributors.
As we celebrate our newly launched DISABILITIES issue, we’re also taking the opportunity to look back on all of the brilliant pieces we’ve published this year. This was my first year as Archer Magazine’s Deputy Online Editor. As a long-time Archer volunteer and hanger-arounder of founder Amy Middleton, I was absolutely thrilled to come aboard. …
Play a high-G note on a piano and take a look around the room; you’ll see who the former emos are almost immediately. My Chemical Romance defined ‘emo’ as we know it. Prior to their astronomic rise in popularity, emo was loosely applied to almost any music that played on commercial radio or sat under …
Content warning: This article discusses transmisogyny and eating disorders. “If you can see it, you can be it.” It’s a beautiful phrase, expressing how strong role models can be vital for the confidence and self-esteem of people from diverse backgrounds. We all love seeing people who look like us being strong and successful in …
In early June, I was preparing myself for the rainbow marketing and pink washing that comes with the celebration of Pride Month each year. During this month, brands and organisations often come up with new logos and various types of rainbow branding. They host talks, plan shows, and make a sudden effort to ensure conversations …
It’s term four of year seven. Just a few weeks before summer holidays. Our lunches sit in our up-turned summer hats like pretentious fruit bowls. Our uniform hems grazes our knees, as we sit with perfectly crossed legs. My friend Victoria, who I’d known basically my whole life, slams down her tuck shop focaccia. She pauses …
I was deep into Melbourne’s second lockdown, writing an article on COVID’s impact on queer nightlife, when my editor showed me queeringthemap. The interactive tool allows users to geographically map queer memories and landmarks, recording “the cartography of queer life”. Sifting through notes pinned against Melbourne’s most recognisable fixtures was beautiful and haunting; a showcase …
Gender non-conformity is messy. If it’s neither male nor female, then what is it, everything? Nothing? A liminal space in-between? Somewhere on the spectrum, perhaps? The boundaries of a gender that does not conform are porous and exaltant. They adapt and emerge. We are not one; we contain multitudes. And, as paradoxical as this multiplicity …
Content warning: this article discusses depression. In 2015, I forgot who I was. Like a reverse Wizard of Oz, the world suddenly went from vibrant colour to black and white. I felt as though there was a storm cloud behind my shoulder. Joy was being sucked out of my every move. Depression wasn’t a …
Tarzan JungleQueen is a queer, non-binary, multidisciplinary artist based in Gulumoerrgin (Darwin), Northern Territory whose art practice straddles photography, graphic design, drawing, video, textual works, print making and everything in between. Their subject is themselves: distorted, caricatured, split and recompiled into an army of new configurations rallying warlike against the perils of a heterosexist and …