Stories about: sex
Non-monogamy is commonly dismissed as deceitful and risky, while STIs are branded as the consequence of promiscuity.
There is this idea that women are empowered through their sexual pleasure, giving pleasurable sex a kind of moralistic imperative – thou shalt orgasm!
Sandra Daugherty is a podcasting, workshop-teaching, sexual-shame-fighting “sex nerd” based in Los Angeles, California.
I remember the first time I really noticed that sexuality was important to older people. I was working as a nurse unit manager in a residential aged care unit when a nurse reported that John, one of the male residents, was masturbating while she assisted him to shower. She felt she “shouldn’t have to put …

Archer Asks: Cyndi Darnell, sex & relationship specialist, and creator of The Atlas of Erotic Anatomy & Arousal
Cyndi Darnell is one of Australia’s leading qualified sex therapists and educators.

Porn and pleasure: Navigating the feminist conflict between morality and desire in watching porn
Just because I am a feminist woman does not mean I watch porn to see people stare into each other’s eyes and fall in love while fucking.
Claiming that one orgasm is better than the other doesn’t help anyone. We don’t need this kind of pressure.
The author of Sex in your seventies spoke to dozens of septuagenarians to find that sexuality is still varied and complex later in life. When two people, as a couple, do not have intimacy, it makes their relationship less warm. There can be too much sexual contact, or too little – you must draw a …
For me, the world of BDSM is generally a gentle and peaceful place. In this subculture, I find my boundaries respected in unique ways, and the majority of folk are able to engage in more than idle chit-chat.
Sex is an art. And one that lesbians in particular have apparently, according to myth, taken a few decades to get their heads and legs around. Let alone actually in their beds. Today however, lesbian women have more orgasms, better sex and sex that lasts longer than their heterosexual female counterparts. And they’ve also mastered Lesbian …
Walter Crasshole is a US-born writer and porn performer, and founder of new men’s sex website, Dandy Dicks.
Constance and Eric are a US based photography duo who take intimate portraits of couples, groups, and individuals.
They’re called Sex on Premises Venues, or SOPVs. As a homogenous idea of ‘gay culture’ is slowly digitised into app-based cruising, and nightclubs struggle to attract the next generation of gay men, can the SOPV endure? And if so, for how long?
How would we feel, Nietzsche wondered, if a demon visited us in our darkest hour to deliver the message that this moment, and every other from birth to death, would be lived again and again for eternity? Would the knowledge of a life that echoed throughout time lend it a crushing weight? Or would we be able to affirm each moment’s eternal recurrence? …

By our own hands: society’s fraught and shameful relationship with masturbation
I had my hair permed for the first and last time when I was 10 years old. An hour or two after we returned home from the hairdressers, my mother caught me masturbating in the lounge room. In 1986, it was acceptable for 10-year-olds to get perms, but not to masturbate in the lounge …
“When you’re gay, it means you’ve gotta rebuild the rules you were taught that don’t apply.” – Paulmac, Archer Magazine #4 Join us for the first in our In Conversation with Archer series, on Wednesday 10 June at 107 Projects, Redfern. To celebrate the fourth issue of Archer, which focuses on ageing and sex, we’ll …
Over the past year, I’ve found my party second wind. After a few years of being horrified at the thought of going out two or three times a week, suddenly I won’t consider anything less. As a result, I go to a lot of different parties. Gay parties, lesbian parties, queer parties. Parties in warehouses, …
BDSM does not equal abuse. It’s OK to be curious about your own sexuality and to venture into some of its more nuanced spaces.
The first burlesque show I ever saw widened my perspective and peripheral vision all at once.
“I can honestly say that my love-life in my seventies was the best I have enjoyed in my long life.” Why does society assume older people are without sexual or gender identity, desire or the need for self-discovery? Archer’s groundbreaking fourth issue challenges that assumption. Featuring: * Sex over 70 by Doreen Wendt-Weir * Gender transition by Sally Conning …
Maintaining an active sex life in a long-term relationship is not always an easy task; as time goes by, finding a spare moment to get hot and steamy with your partner (or partners) becomes increasingly difficult, especially when full time work, exercise, household chores and social commitments are entered into the mix. My girlfriend and …
In an age of sexual liberation, a variety of guiding voices on issues of sexuality resonate throughout the internet. Bloggers pave the way for conversation about the fluidity of sexuality, the no-nos of slut shaming and how to be sexually active in a heteronormative, patriarchal society. Mainstream media overlooks the world of bloggers, yet they …