Stories about: sex
The words ‘good girl’ shoot through me like ice water, I feel cold, my muscles start to contract inward, and my face contorts into an angry snarl. My hands try to form into fists but I grab his ankles instead, something solid I can hold onto, something to stop me from pulverizing my lover with …
Fleur Kilpatrick talks to people in parks, in mountains, in bedrooms – and out the back of museums – and records them speaking about gender, sex and beauty. Archer will be sharing some of her interviews online. Fleur: Describe where we are. Her: We’re in your bedroom, on your bed in your apartment. The curtains are closed. …
I’m being destructive, and I know it.” This statement comes from community consultation I did recently with HIV-positive gay men on how they feel they’re being affected by using crystal meth, otherwise known as ice, or tina in the queer community. If you have picked up a newspaper recently, you’d have heard of the crystal …
Perhaps you’ve noticed a few products around the internet that claim to unleash ‘the future of wanking’. I’ve seen blowjob machines; Fleshlights; Occulus Rift-driven virtual reality experiences; creepily realistic sex dolls; and equally creepy tissue-paper bearing images of women’s faces. To really understand the future of wanking, we should probably first examine its past. Wanking has been …
Feminist pornography attempts to combat the depictions of gratuitous scenes of violence, aggression and dominance in mainstream pornography, by focusing on sex-positivity.
From pornography to incest, from prison rape to anonymous sex, the stories collected in Christos Tsiolkas’s new collection Merciless Gods are characteristically unflinching. Drawn from throughout his career, they explore and engage with transgressive aspects of human desire, and with sexual encounters which are categorised as taboo or rarely acknowledged. The presence of sex is …
I can still recall the first time I tried to insert a tampon. Locking myself in the bathroom, I pulled out the Carefree leaflet and carefully studied the instructions. Was I supposed to push in and up or…? How far was far enough? What if I missed and pushed it into my urethra or it …
I have never heard an orgasm. This isn’t exactly one of the highest items on my bucket list. Still, it does creep into my thoughts – usually when I’m in the middle of the act – and I wonder if sound really does enhance the experience. I wonder a lot of things. I’m 30 and …
In my first year at university, I developed a major crush on a man. He didn’t appear to return it. Seven years later, he was married with children, and I was good friends with him and his wife. He and I had dinner one night and ended up kissing. We weren’t prepared for the torrent …
Do you get high from sex/romance? Does your sexual/romantic behaviour affect your reputation? These are two of the 40 questions on the Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) website for self-diagnosis. The questions are broad and often contradictory (Do you keep a list of partners you have had? Have you lost count of the number of …
CAREY AND I had been laughing together for four years when we made the big commitment. She was fun, active, smart and compassionate. I loved her, so marrying her was easy. Kids came along and, as I had expected, she was the kind of mum that read stories at bedtime, put ‘I love you’ notes …
I’m nervous. I always get nervous. It’s dark and the music thumps. People chatter but I can’t see the crowd through the spotlights. He puts his hands on my hips and the world falls quiet. He stands behind me, kisses my neck and pulls me into him, hands behind my back. He catches my wrists …
LIKE THOSE IT marches for, SlutWalk is a diverse movement. You don’t have to fit any particular mould to join — not least because ‘slut’ is used against women so loosely the word has lost much of its meaning (though not all of its bite). It’s up to the individual whether they want to reclaim …
New theatre company TBC Theatre is making its production debut in Melbourne this week. Loveplay, written by Moira Buffini, is an exploration of love and sex through the ages, opening on July 2nd. We asked director Stu Duffield for some insight into starting a theatre company, and how sex scenes affect a live audience. Q: …
THAT SEXY SHOW is one of the more sex-focused events at this year’s Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Teams of comedians, including Triple M’s Geraldine Hickey, battle it out for points in a game show with a sex-positive slant. The show is the brain-child of 24-year-old Honor Eastly, a performer and comedian with a penchant for …
I[/dropcap. WAS EXPOSED TO the sex-toy market a lot earlier than most. My mother started an adult toy business when I was in my mid-teens. In the beginning she specialised in hen’s nights and Tupperware-style parties, replacing plastic containers with rubber fists, rabbits and vibrating eggs. When I left school for university, I approached my …
Indeed, real sex often breaks the natural flow of fiction, disrupting our enjoyment of two otherwise pleasurable – or so one hopes – activities: having sex and watching a movie.
UNMARRIED SEX. PORN. Sex toys. Brothels. Heterosexuals dabble in these practices with as much freak and fervour as homosexuals and yet somehow it’s the gay person who threatens heterosexual relationships, the gay person who devalues the sanctity of marriage. I’m not interested in writing a defence of same-sex marriage. I am, however, fascinated by assumptions …
A Guide to the Yarra River’s Beats by Sam Wallman. Sam Wallman is a Melbourne-based cartoonist. He has published four books of drawings, in which he captures the ridiculous, the visceral and the personal aspects of politics and society. His latest book is entitled Pen Erases Paper. View more of Sam’s artworks at his website: