Archive: Home

It’s disappointing, not being able to have multiple orgasms anymore. Not that I’d swap them for the deep sense of happiness I now feel inhabiting a male body, but losing that ability was not something I’d anticipated as a result of transitioning my physical body from female to male. Ditto waking up one day and …

“IT REALLY SURPRISES me that I’m attracted to you,” my last girlfriend told me. “I’m usually attracted to much butcher women.” The edges of my bow-tie curled up and my asymmetrical quiff flopped down over my face. I felt like a billboard for a queer subcategory. And apparently the billboard was in need of some …

The joy of polyamory

In my first year at university, I developed a major crush on a man. He didn’t appear to return it. Seven years later, he was married with children, and I was good friends with him and his wife. He and I had dinner one night and ended up kissing. We weren’t prepared for the torrent …

Queer rights have made a big leap forward in Australia. In a short space of time, a number of legal advances have been introduced including recognition of relationships, alterations to identity documents, and a broader tolerance towards some sexual practices. Despite this, queer youth are still among some of the most likely Australians to suffer …

The Big Bang Theory tells us that after the start of the universe, there was an amorphous cloud of atoms and particles. The catalyst for the coalescing of the gases and dust were very small differences in that early cosmic soup. If it wasn’t for these differences and mutations, the universe would never have formed. I …

“Bet she’s a lesbian.” It’s not particularly hushed, this comment made in the year 12 common  room. Yet it’s not uncommon. Growing up in country Victoria, with short hair and no particular interest in giving blowjobs to the boys I’d known since age eight, I wasn’t the height of popularity in my class. No-one questioned …

Sex addiction: Insatiable

Do you get high from sex/romance? Does your sexual/romantic behaviour affect your reputation? These are two of the 40 questions on the Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) website for self-diagnosis. The questions are broad and often contradictory (Do you keep a list of partners you have had? Have you lost count of the number of …

Yesterday, the Courier-Mail put the gruesome murder of Indonesian transwoman Mayang Prasetyo, killed by her partner Marcus Volker, on its front page. The article is breathtaking in its prurience and voyeurism. Even though Prasetyo was murdered and dismembered, The Courier-Mail deemed it appropriate to include a succession of photos of a seductively-posed Prasetyo in a …

IMMIGRATION ISSUES HAVE plagued parliamentary leaders throughout Australia’s recent history. In particular, the plight of asylum seekers who arrive by boat has captured the attention of the media and the public – harrowing images of people fleeing countries ravaged by war, violence and economic instability have flooded our screens since the infamous Tampa affair in …

Archer Magazine was among nine people and organisations from across Australia recognised for their service to NSW’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community at a gala awards ceremony in Sydney last month. Presented by a host of LGBTI organisations, the Honour Awards are a chance for the community to recognise their heroes. Archer took …

Write for the Archer blog

Send us your pitches for the Archer blog! We are on the hunt for writing that captures Australian attitudes to sexual diversity in 2014. (Historical and overseas content is welcome, as long as it has an Australian slant.) What we are looking for: * Archer values open communication; real human stories; difference and sameness; inclusivity. …

CAREY AND I had been laughing together for four years when we made the big commitment. She was fun, active, smart and compassionate. I loved her, so marrying her was easy. Kids came along and, as I had expected, she was the kind of mum that read stories at bedtime, put ‘I love you’ notes …

Shibari: Japanese erotic rope art

I’m nervous. I always get nervous. It’s dark and the music thumps. People chatter but I can’t see the crowd through the spotlights. He puts his hands on my hips and the world falls quiet. He stands behind me, kisses my neck and pulls me into him, hands behind my back. He catches my wrists …

I stirred the slush in my Slurpee. ‘Have you slept with a lot of girls?’ I asked. Josh shrugged and scratched his nose. ‘A lot of guys too. Sex is sex.’ I clenched my teeth and took a long sip of my drink. I’d never heard someone be so blasé about something like that before. …

There is a significant lack of discussion about LGBTI identities within heavy industries, such as mining, construction, oil and gas. Should this change? Over the years I’ve spent investigating the role of gender in the resource industries for research consultancy Factive, I have met many queer people. I have been approached by human resources personnel …

“BEING GAY IS complicated. Being Arab and gay is even worse.” Australian web series I Luv U But follows the lives of an Arab-Australian couple who go to extremes to hide their sexuality from their parents. Oscillating between hilarious and poignant scenes, the show explores the complex situations faced by Sam and Mouna, who are …

LIKE THOSE IT marches for, SlutWalk is a diverse movement. You don’t have to fit any particular mould to join — not least because ‘slut’ is used against women so loosely the word has lost much of its meaning (though not all of its bite). It’s up to the individual whether they want to reclaim …

Airing on the ABC last month, Carlotta takes us on the journey of Carol Lee, an Australian icon who went from Balmain boy to Les Girls luminary and cultural phenomenon. But despite a rich and compelling story and an excellent cast, the production manages to miss the point of both Les Girls and Carlotta entirely. At its …

New theatre company TBC Theatre is making its production debut in Melbourne this week. Loveplay, written by Moira Buffini, is an exploration of love and sex through the ages, opening on July 2nd. We asked director Stu Duffield for some insight into starting a theatre company, and how sex scenes affect a live audience. Q: …

“I REALLY DIDN’T see it as abuse, because domestic violence had always been sold to me as a heterosexual man hitting a heterosexual women.” Diversity is a powerful thing. Generally speaking, it is a positive force in the LGBTI community, but experiences diverge when it comes to domestic or family violence (DFV), occasionally making abuse …

Last week, following a call from our distributor, it came to my attention that a handful of newsagents have refused to stock Archer in their stores. A friend went looking for Archer’s second issue in a Melbourne suburban newsagent, and found it had been hidden in a drawer, restricted from view due to its content. …

STARTOUT AUSTRALIA IS a new organisation to support gay, bisexual, trans and queer youth – a group that StartOut calls DSG (Diverse Sexuality and Gender). Archer speaks to Brendan White, one half of the duo behind StartOut, about sexuality, mental health, and the need for a new acronym. Q: What was the idea behind StartOut? …

Sexuality - Gender - Identity