Stories about: relationships
Sex education can, and should, begin with our younger generation – with a national curriculum designed to overcome the embarrassment factor.
I had not wanted tattoos until I came out, which is to say, until I started telling people that I was dating a woman.
We are all just reacting to our bodies’ hormonal changes, but ticking boxes in the bedroom felt like more of a priority than genuine pleasure. This glorified act started to feel a little rogue – ugly, even – and I haven’t even tried it yet.
I want horror films where protagonists wrestle with the ugliness of homophobia and transphobia, or films with explorations of queer relationship dynamics.
That feeling of aggressively holding space, of determinedly standing up and refusing to move, felt most similar to my time dating as a bisexual man.
I think of how my sister and I have nothing shared but suffering – a suffering so fragile and cumbersome it is akin to an antique vase.
I was leaning heavily on Tori Amos, yet I was misinterpreting the lyrics to affirm poisonous narratives this man was whispering in my ear.
It’s our new monthly queer film review! Strap on for fave oldies and new baby dyke films on the scene. We start with Better Than Chocolate.
We might recognise this as compulsory heterosexuality. I knew it was not exactly what was expected of me, to be warm in the hush of her bed.
I don’t need labels to remind me of that, or to tell others who I am. Don’t stick one on me. It will slide right off.
I follow a very systematic process for creating my work. The story of Camo all begins with the fabric.
These friendships help tether generations of queers, providing a useful buoy to humanise each other against a broader hetero-stained society.
Gender Euphoria didn’t just connect us with the audience – it allowed people to connect to their own self.
The first time I discovered period sex, it was impromptu and with someone I loved. I was really aroused by the idea of it.
In imposing an intimate partnership on a casual friendship with benefits, we both found something truly intimate.
Queer spaces are necessary globally, not just in Tasmania. Loud, proud, beautiful queer spaces.
I decided to write this article – a beginner’s guide to hooking up with trans people – in the hope that it can help others like my friend Sam, and hopefully lead to more hot, trans-inclusive sex for everyone.
There’s no immediate salve for the lingering loneliness, the hard-earned loneliness, the ping-ponging loneliness that’s always served back.
People don’t talk about miscarriage. Despite one in five pregnancies ending in miscarriage, we’d never seen anybody mourn one.
Here’s a top 10 list of our editors’ picks for 2021, celebrating some of the incredible articles written by our contributors.
I can see now, looking back, that much of this was the result of me internalising the cultural, default setting of ableism.
Sex is a big part of non-monogamy, sure, but it’s not the only part. Connection can be so much more than physical.