Stories about: identity
For Non-Binary People’s Day, we wanted to round up some of the pieces from over the years by the non-binary writers in our Archer community.
The way the Batik is tied onto each individual is rooted in tradition, like what you may see in the villages of Malaysia.
I had ideas that liberation was possible, but I never felt truly comfortable with my body until I started taking pictures of other fat bodies.
My characters are genderless, stunning creatures. They are not afraid to talk about what really needs to be talked about.
I don’t need labels to remind me of that, or to tell others who I am. Don’t stick one on me. It will slide right off.
It became apparent why the way women’s sport is participated in and played resonates so deeply with me: it is so critically important.
I follow a very systematic process for creating my work. The story of Camo all begins with the fabric.
Gender Euphoria didn’t just connect us with the audience – it allowed people to connect to their own self.
This envy is often what I feel for people who possess a kind of a queer competence and sophistication that I feel I do not.
Queer spaces are necessary globally, not just in Tasmania. Loud, proud, beautiful queer spaces.
“Nothing about gender identity is fixed,” Ohlert writes. “Its development is often a fluid process, changing throughout a lifetime.
It made me hate being a boy. Not because I didn’t want to be one, but because the world around me was letting me know I was doing a bad job at trying.
I feel like the non-binary gaze is so different. It is fluid and it understands. I hope that people feel not alone with my work.
Seeing objects from my life in a museum does not make me feel old. It makes me feel valued. Queer feminist history matters. My story matters.
An array of sexual orientations and gender identities exist in traditional Navajo culture, including a third gender known as nádleeh. This non-binary concept of gender existed in many Indigenous cultures across the United States.
There’s no immediate salve for the lingering loneliness, the hard-earned loneliness, the ping-ponging loneliness that’s always served back.
Today, self-love has become too closely aligned with – even indistinguishable from modernist capitalist culture. It has turned self-empowerment into something with a price tag.
Dave Swindells has been photographing London’s nightlife since the early 1980s, showcasing the brilliant diversity of the club scene and its larger-than-life cast of characters.
People don’t talk about miscarriage. Despite one in five pregnancies ending in miscarriage, we’d never seen anybody mourn one.
To my knowledge there has never been another drag queen to compete in a bodybuilding competition while in drag.
The way I moved my body was the one thing I could control in a world that confused and bewildered me constantly.
Art psychotherapy offers us the opportunity to amplify the voices of our bodies, through which we experience our queerness and our erotic.