Stories about: gay
I figured I had two years left: one in reasonable health, then one in increasingly terrible health, ending in a withering, undignified, exhausted death.
But why did I resonate so deeply with Troye Sivan’s fantasies? Why does the concept of hooking up with men who don’t identify as queer appeal so much to me?
As we’ve gained more mainstream visibility, being gay has become more about ‘identity’, with the ‘fucking’ being increasingly sanitised from the queer experience.
Welcome to my Archer queer film review! This month: is Imagine Me & You better than Better Than Chocolate, the infamous 90s lesbian film?
The expectation to be anonymous in addiction recovery seems counterintuitive for LGBTQ+ people who have spent a lifetime fighting to be visible.

A lesbian and a non-binary bisexual in love: On language and queer solidarity
I want us to reclaim lesbianism from the clammy hands of TERFs. Being a lesbian isn’t about vaginas, femininity, ‘gold stars’ or exclusion.
Joe is a conversion therapist hired by my parents to make their child less gay. Preferably straight, otherwise committed to celibacy.
Nowadays, there’s no doubt that you’ll see far more body diversity among jockstraps wearers in the queer community than you will in sport.
Queer spaces are necessary globally, not just in Tasmania. Loud, proud, beautiful queer spaces.
It made me hate being a boy. Not because I didn’t want to be one, but because the world around me was letting me know I was doing a bad job at trying.
To my knowledge there has never been another drag queen to compete in a bodybuilding competition while in drag.
As we celebrate our newly launched DISABILITIES issue, we’re also taking the opportunity to look back on all of the brilliant pieces we’ve published this year. This was my first year as Archer Magazine’s Deputy Online Editor. As a long-time Archer volunteer and hanger-arounder of founder Amy Middleton, I was absolutely thrilled to come aboard. …
Content note: This article discusses domestic violence, assault, homophobia and suicide. I met him in a gay bar about three months after my separation. I remember him standing there in a tuxedo and our eyes meeting. He came over to me, we chatted for about four hours, and then he left. It would be …
Imagine this: It’s sometime in the 2010s. I’m a loner in my early twenties. I have no friends, so I start attending game nights – board and video. I become somewhat acquainted in these male-dominated spaces, and end up forging a few connections. We text, we game, we have a few outings. Normal people stuff! …
“How do you have anything in common with younger people anyway?” I vividly remember a friend asking me this question with a tone of obvious disapproval. Instantly, I felt ashamed. At 28 years old, I could see why they questioned it. According to society, you should aim to date someone one to three years either …
I guessed I was busted for the sex stuff, and I knew I was in very deep shit.
I was deep into Melbourne’s second lockdown, writing an article on COVID’s impact on queer nightlife, when my editor showed me queeringthemap. The interactive tool allows users to geographically map queer memories and landmarks, recording “the cartography of queer life”. Sifting through notes pinned against Melbourne’s most recognisable fixtures was beautiful and haunting; a showcase …
When queer friendships can quite literally be a lifeline, it’s hard to resist the urge to attempt to reconfigure and recontextualise relationships that were once exclusively sexual or romantic.
Some humiliations are delivered by people with good intentions. They warn you your fly is open or that the bottle of red wine you drank has turned your teeth grey. But, statistically, most humiliations are delivered for no good reason at all – and by my mother. “You completely lost yourself with that first boyfriend,” …
I am a graduate teacher just about to enter the workforce. I have my values and pedagogy set, I want to prioritise a creative English classroom with a focus on student agency and encouraging a safe environment. Many experienced teachers may groan at how idealistic I sound, but I feel as though it’s good to …
“LGBTIQ elders have a strong history of breaking down barriers for proceeding generations to live more freely. Some of these stories are well publicised, such as the process to decriminalise homosexuality, while others are more personal, like our elders being role models just by living openly and honestly. Our elders represent an incredible history that …
I have been a teacher for the better part of a decade. When I graduated, I was offered two jobs: one in a state school and one in a Catholic school. At the time, my Catholic faith formed a huge part of my identity; I had even undergone additional study to attain formal qualifications in …