Stories about: Archer Asks
Sam Orchard is a New Zealand based self-described ‘geeky transguy’, and author of webcomic Rooster Tails.
Sandra Daugherty is a podcasting, workshop-teaching, sexual-shame-fighting “sex nerd” based in Los Angeles, California.
Kai Bradley, Natasha Jynel and Monique Hameed have created ‘Our Voices, Changing Culture’, a project for queer women from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

Archer Asks: Cyndi Darnell, sex & relationship specialist, and creator of The Atlas of Erotic Anatomy & Arousal
Cyndi Darnell is one of Australia’s leading qualified sex therapists and educators.

Archer Asks: Queenie Bon Bon, comedian, sex worker, and star of Melbourne Fringe show, Power Up
Queenie Bon Bon is a professional stripper, pleasure provider and fantasy maker. Her latest show, Power Up, is at Melbourne Fringe Festival.
Walter Crasshole is a US-born writer and porn performer, and founder of new men’s sex website, Dandy Dicks.
“I wanted to know what I was besides a sick person. Every time I play music, I’m like, this is really who I am.” Kathleen Hanna chats to Archer Magazine.
I think a lot of people who are put in the margins are naturals at storytelling. I guess we have to be in a way, otherwise who else would tell our history or our truths in a way that honours where we come from?