Stories about: transgender
Airing on the ABC last month, Carlotta takes us on the journey of Carol Lee, an Australian icon.
Guest blogger Rebecca Shaw is a freelance writer from Brisbane. She is a lesbian with a sense of humour who tells jokes on Twitter and over her comedy podcast Bring a Plate. YESTERDAY, A MOVIE called Bamboozled was crowned the winner of annual short film competition Tropfest. Basic synopsis: a man named Pete runs into …
Guest blogger Teddy Cook was invited by Archer to blog on the media’s use of language. THE TRANS* EXPERIENCE is as diverse as the population it represents. Remember this: we aren’t all ‘trapped in the wrong body’, we aren’t all desperate for diagnosis and surgery and hormones. We aren’t all connected to your ideal of …
For someone who is set apart from the majority by an obvious point of difference, the incessant questioning from the public can become exhausting. Example: I’m a woman in a relationship with a woman. I’m also gluten-intolerant. Each of these traits sets me apart from the majority and I often have to remind myself, during …
Yesterday, a bill before Australian parliament decreed that LGBT and intersex individuals are now covered under federal anti-discrimination laws. Australia has become the first country to include intersex people under their anti-discrimination act. This is big stuff. And essentially, it’s about recognition. There are over 30 intersex conditions currently recognised by medical practitioners. As for …
Archer Magazine is all about sexual diversity, so this is big news for us and our readers. From July 1, Australians can select Intersex, in addition to Male and Female, on all government documents and department records. While an option for gender X has been allowed on Australian passports for several years, the new guidelines …
Zinaida Gippius lived a rather queer life – between their affairs with women, highly publicised threesomes, cross-dressing, and more.