Stories about: mental health
The clouds are grey and heavy, compressing the ground and my mood with their weight. I’m sitting by an electric heater, drinking pale ale, in Eleanor Dark’s studio at Varuna, in Katoomba, where she herself sat and wrote, trying to find uninterrupted time to write amongst the demands of work and home. I’ve put aside …

Shifting Trans narratives: envisioning a better future for all Transgender people
From the pathologising times of trailblazing European psychotherapists of the 1930s, through to the more personal accounts of modern transition in the writing of Transgender people like Jenny Boylan and Janet Mock, or the more academic work of sociologist and Trans man Jamison Green, the Trans narrative has been significantly refined, reinterpreted and refocused. At …

Choosing to live: Family, sacrifice and domestic violence in a lesbian relationship
Trigger warning: story contains a personal and sometimes graphic recount of family violence. For 24/7 support, please contact the National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service on 1800 737 732 or visit Alternatively, see QLife for early intervention and counselling support specific to LGBTI people. I remember one night, the final night, I sat on our …
Online dating and meeting people now, especially in the gay community, is a new realm.
Queer rights have made a big leap forward in Australia. In a short space of time, a number of legal advances have been introduced including recognition of relationships, alterations to identity documents, and a broader tolerance towards some sexual practices. Despite this, queer youth are still among some of the most likely Australians to suffer …
Do you get high from sex/romance? Does your sexual/romantic behaviour affect your reputation? These are two of the 40 questions on the Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) website for self-diagnosis. The questions are broad and often contradictory (Do you keep a list of partners you have had? Have you lost count of the number of …
CAREY AND I had been laughing together for four years when we made the big commitment. She was fun, active, smart and compassionate. I loved her, so marrying her was easy. Kids came along and, as I had expected, she was the kind of mum that read stories at bedtime, put ‘I love you’ notes …
STARTOUT AUSTRALIA IS a new organisation to support gay, bisexual, trans and queer youth – a group that StartOut calls DSG (Diverse Sexuality and Gender). Archer speaks to Brendan White, one half of the duo behind StartOut, about sexuality, mental health, and the need for a new acronym. Q: What was the idea behind StartOut? …