Take the Archer reader survey and WIN a 2-year subscription
By: Archer staff

AT ARCHER, one of our biggest aims in life is to be inclusive.
We pride ourselves on the diversity of our readership. When advertisers and funding bodies ask us: “Who reads Archer?” We respond with: “Everyone!” and this makes us happy and proud, while leaving the funding people thoroughly confused.
Because advertisers and funding bodies are the second-most important group in the survival of Archer (you guys are the first), we’re really looking to give them some more detailed answers.
That’s why it would mean a lot to us if you would fill out this survey so we can get a better idea of who you are, how you identify, and what you like to read about.
To go in the running to WIN a 2-year subscription to Archer, include your email address in the survey.
Lastly, if you have any comments on the survey itself, or anything else, please do get in touch and let us know.