Stories about: identity
IN JUST OVER two weeks, the third Asia Pacific Out Games kicks off in Darwin, Australia. There’s been no bidding war over who will televise the games, nor any slow motion ads showing athletes with muscles rippling, faces contorted with determination. For most people, the Asia Pacific Out Games, like the Gay Games and the …
When journalist Josephine Sargent moved to Sydney for an editing job, she was thrown in the deep end of sexual diversity. THE PHONE rang. It was my mum. Mum: Hello darling. Your aunty just rang. She saw you on the news. Josephine: Really? Yay! Mum: In a bikini. Rehearsing for that gay and lesbian parade on …
A Guide to the Yarra River’s Beats by Sam Wallman. Sam Wallman is a Melbourne-based cartoonist. He has published four books of drawings, in which he captures the ridiculous, the visceral and the personal aspects of politics and society. His latest book is entitled Pen Erases Paper. View more of Sam’s artworks at his website:
Guest blogger Abby Corson comments on controversial Australian beauty pageants and the dangers of sexualising children, both for the girls on show and society at large. Fake tan. Spider eyelashes. Push-up bras. Acrylic nails. No, I’m not describing a night out in Hollywood. Disturbingly, these are all common attributes of the underage entrants of the …
OU WOULDN’T BE ALONE in feeling frustrated, isolated, devalued and depressed if you were suddenly labelled “asexual” at your next birthday. Millions of older Australians feel the same way when they’re suddenly assumed to be asexual at their 65th birthday. But research shows that older people are sexual and that sexual expression is important for …