Stories about: grief
I think a lot of people who are put in the margins are naturals at storytelling. I guess we have to be in a way, otherwise who else would tell our history or our truths in a way that honours where we come from?
I figured I had two years left: one in reasonable health, then one in increasingly terrible health, ending in a withering, undignified, exhausted death.
We always shared war stories, but seeing the violence livestreamed from Gaza made sharing survival stories feel even more necessary.
I will not allow Zionism, imperialist governments or the state of Israel to take my compassion or empathy from me. Compassion is the key to our collective liberation.
Paranormal topics are often misunderstood, feared, and vilified – just like many of us in the queer community.
In this painful moment, I saw the beauty of my own culture like never before. This was the best way to celebrate my grandmother’s life, as she was the strongest and bravest woman I had ever known.
In 2020, an estimated 34,000 people died due to HIV in Indonesia. I can’t comprehend that level of loss, grief and death.
Unlike our younger counterparts, this representation isn’t reflecting our growth, it’s reminding us of how much growing we had to do alone.
People don’t talk about miscarriage. Despite one in five pregnancies ending in miscarriage, we’d never seen anybody mourn one.
I don’t want to have an abortion, I don’t want the experience, but I don’t want to raise a child now. I don’t want to choose.
CAREY AND I had been laughing together for four years when we made the big commitment. She was fun, active, smart and compassionate. I loved her, so marrying her was easy. Kids came along and, as I had expected, she was the kind of mum that read stories at bedtime, put ‘I love you’ notes …