Stories about: fat
Pregnancy porn, lesbian ghosts and dismantling fatphobia: Editors’ top picks for 2024
From girlboss sex toys to pregnancy porn, queer disabled activism and so much more, here are Archer’s online editors’ top picks for 2024.
Let me say this for the record: people who hold and express fatphobic convictions may identify as queer, but they certainly are not embodying queerness.
As Victoria talked more openly to peers about sex, her interest in it and its relationship to fatness grew.
I had ideas that liberation was possible, but I never felt truly comfortable with my body until I started taking pictures of other fat bodies.
Growing up in Australia in a time when fad diets and homophobia were all the rage, for me, the 90’s and early 00’s meant crash diets and sneaking off to Sydney to make out with girls on the weekend. I hid my sexuality and forced myself to have relationships with men to appease society, I …
The word fat is one steeped in stigma, but many fat people are reclaiming the word. Fat people are multivalent, sexy and fashionable, too.
Even among progressive communities, fatness still often receives the wrong kind of attention in between toxic standards of desire.
For a fat lady, sex and desire are complex beasts. I regularly refer to the time I’ve spent learning how to love and fuck as ‘work’. While not a romantic turn of phrase, it’s a fairly accurate description of how it feels. Describing adolescence or adulthood spent in a larger body feels almost redundant these …