An update from the Archer Team
We recently hosted our very first digital event, Archer’s Issue 14 Launch and Fundraiser! Our event was held in conjunction with GiveOUT Day, a national fundraising day for LGBTQIA+ organisations. We really appreciate GiveOUT, whose work helps support LGBTIQ+ projects, groups and not-for-profit organisations. Funding for LGBT+ organisations is often lacking, so having a day …
Archer Magazine issue #14 – the GROWING UP issue
This special edition of Archer Magazine features a series of articles on growing and discovering, to help us all find our way, regardless of our age.
Archer Magazine issue #13 – the FIRST NATIONS issue
Welcome to Archer Magazine: the FIRST NATIONS issue.
Aroma therapy: The smell of my vagina helped me overcome shame & love sex
I want women to smell their underwear everyday. Why? I overcame shame and learned to love myself by getting high off my own supply. Many women recoil at the smell of their vagina, I know, I was one of them for many years. Too many “smells like fish” jokes around the lunch table from awkward pre-pubescent …
Archer Magazine issue #12 – the PLAY issue
Welcome to Archer Magazine #12: the PLAY issue.