Stories about: mental health
What I do know about myself is that I’m neurodivergent, queer, that I feel deeply, and that I have a doubt-driven, unshakeable desire to be loved.
For this month’s Queer Fashion Files, we’re featuring multi-hyphenate queer artist Kira Puru.
“Who is the future already happening to?” Cavar, a transMad author, chats to Keene Short.
It began as a curiosity – to explore gender and masculinity at close range, and frankly to have some really hot sex – and became an experience that altered the pathways in my brain.
Despite the high portion of carers in the LGBTQIA+ community, many of us don’t self-identify as such – we are ‘hidden carers’.
Casual sex and dating are complex for someone who is bipolar. How can I live a balanced life when my natural urges are read as a warning sign?
Everywhere I turned felt like a trap that led to more confusion, doubt and shame. I wasn’t afraid of being gay – I was afraid that I was lying about it.
It appears the only way society has allowed femme rage is when it is displayed by white, conventionally attractive women, and portrayed through the aestheticised lens of film.
For this month’s Queer Fashion Files, we’re featuring Sable Jewellery by Scarlett Bronte.
When I read queer literature, I can connect to a community that, until now, has felt inaccessible.

Blak sovereignty, the Matildas and queer polyamorous parenting: Our editors’ top picks for 2023
From Progress Shark to lesbian literature, activism to polyamory and so much more, here are Archer Magazine’s editors’ top picks for 2023.
How can the mind transcend madness when it’s confined and magnified within these walls?
The “bury your gays” trope is a real one to combat, but They/Them doesn’t even fully engage with the potential horror of the setting.
An extract from Yves Rees’ book All About Yves: Notes from a Transition: Tonight, we insist on our existence. Together, we are real.

Queer horror, Tori Amos and the sex work community: Our editors’ top picks for 2022
As 2022 comes to a close, we can’t help but get reflective and sentimental – cue the smiling single tear emoji – about all the wonderful articles we’ve edited this year.
For Wear It Purple Day, we’ve asked Frankie, a trans young person, to write about how to be a good ally to transgender people in your life.
I was leaning heavily on Tori Amos, yet I was misinterpreting the lyrics to affirm poisonous narratives this man was whispering in my ear.
I recently moved into my new physical home and my new spiritual one. This new home is one of acceptance – not only from others, but of myself.
We need employers to make workplaces genuinely safe, warm, and welcoming for all.
I thought I was going to repair the picket fence, but it turns out I was repairing myself.
As I sat in the hospital courtyard, I often considered how many patients may have had undiagnosed ARFID.
There’s no immediate salve for the lingering loneliness, the hard-earned loneliness, the ping-ponging loneliness that’s always served back.