Stories about: masturbation
I became my own primary partner. I took the time and care to understand myself more, in the way that I would have taken time and care for a partner in the past.
The resulting mainstream culture around masturbation (including pharmaceutical organisational practices) has become stale, and girlboss-ily gender essentialist.
Disabled pleasure knows no bounds, bringing an intimacy that goes beyond romantic love, genitals or penetrative sex.
Love thy holy trinity: in the name of the clitoris, the vagina and the holy vulva – amen… And that’s how you masturbate in Campbelltown.
I stopped seeing masturbation as something I needed to get over and done with. I stopped seeing it as something I needed to overcome.
My first couple years of practising self-love were soaked in orgasmic bliss. Touching myself felt so right, and it never occurred to me that later in life someone might vilify this practice in my mind. Image: Cris Trung I started masturbating around the age of 11 or 12. At the time, I did not …
My first time masturbating was more awkward than my first sexual experience with someone else. Possibly because I had no idea what I was doing, uncertain as to what my body actually enjoyed, and because I was a fumbling 24 year old, alone in a sharehouse bedroom, desperately hoping nobody would hear the quiet …

Porn and pleasure: Navigating the feminist conflict between morality and desire in watching porn
Just because I am a feminist woman does not mean I watch porn to see people stare into each other’s eyes and fall in love while fucking.

By our own hands: society’s fraught and shameful relationship with masturbation
I had my hair permed for the first and last time when I was 10 years old. An hour or two after we returned home from the hairdressers, my mother caught me masturbating in the lounge room. In 1986, it was acceptable for 10-year-olds to get perms, but not to masturbate in the lounge …
Perhaps you’ve noticed a few products around the internet that claim to unleash ‘the future of wanking’. I’ve seen blowjob machines; Fleshlights; Occulus Rift-driven virtual reality experiences; creepily realistic sex dolls; and equally creepy tissue-paper bearing images of women’s faces. To really understand the future of wanking, we should probably first examine its past. Wanking has been …