Write for Archer

Archer publishes articles and images about sexuality, gender and identity from a diverse range of writers/artists, from all levels of experience.

For information about submitting images, visit this page.

We accept pitches for the Archer website at most times of the year. We often source writers for the magazine from our website. If our editor thinks a piece may be suitable for the print edition, you will be contacted.

Please specify during your pitch if you would only like to be considered for the print edition.

Please note: To ensure diversity of voices, Archer doesn’t publish pieces by the same author more than once in a 1-2 year period, with some exceptions.


Archer is aimed at all individuals interested in sexuality, gender and identity. Archer promotes inclusivity and diversity.


Archer curates first-person narratives on topics around sexuality, gender and identity, with a focus on intersectional voices and those often left out of the media. Individual voices are nurtured and individuals are respected.

We also consider interview pitches for our Archer Asks series, and potential artist features for our Queer Fashion Files series.

Please note: We do not publish poetry or fiction at this time, and we rarely publish reviews or articles focusing solely on a specific text or film.

  • The Archer website and print edition feature articles that:
    • Argue a point
    • Educate on or explore universal and personal concepts
    • Capture a point in time and culture, in an entertaining and concise manner
  • First person speech and accounts of personal experience are encouraged
  • The purpose and viewpoint of the article should be defined to the reader early in the piece
  • Writing should be colourful and dynamic, and must tell a story
  • Include arguments for and against, where possible
  • Maintain a clear, confident and engaging voice, with a purpose
  • Include additional voices and quotes where necessary
  • Unique perspectives
  • First-person narrative/writing from personal experience
  • Easy-to-understand concepts – Archer is for everyone from secondary education level up
  • Honesty, openness and diplomatic discussion
  • Inclusive language – avoid segregation between ‘us’ and ‘them’
  • Writing about a minority group from someone outside that group (unless you can provide proof of reliable sources from within that minority group granting permission for you to cover the topic)
  • Sex-negative viewpoints
  • Aggression or blame-laying
  • Stereotyping or caricaturing
  • Language that alienates readers
  • Complex or highly academic concepts
  • Gratuitous sexual content or explicit language
  • Works that are pitched, developed or generated by AI (such as ChatGPT)

Submission Guidelines


A pitch is a summary of the article you intend to write. We accept pitches for the website via email. If a piece is suitable for the print edition, our editor will contact the writer personally.

Before you pitch, please note the following important conditions. Please specify during your pitch if you would only like to be considered for the print edition.

  • Articles must be fact-checked by you AND another source – we are not responsible for any factual errors in your writing
  • We pay $100 AUD per online piece, payable after the article has been published. We’re aware this is a small fee, but we wish to acknowledge the importance of your work and our appreciation of your time and energy in submitting to our not-for-profit publication. Fees for the print edition will be discussed separately if your piece is accepted.
  • We reserve the right to publish, edit or reject any piece that is submitted to us
  • We may ask to see a draft of your pitch before accepting it. We do not currently pay a kill fee if we decide not to publish your draft on the website
  • Online articles are generally around 800-1200 words, but the length is up to the editor
  • Editors will include you in the editing process where appropriate

Please note your article WILL be subjected to a thorough editing process, which may involve several drafts, handled by two or more different editors. Your piece may be altered for stylistic, grammatical or other reasons. Your piece may also undergo a fact-checking process. This is an essential part of keeping Archer Magazine consistent and compelling, and although we value collaboration with our contributors, the editor has final say over how the article appears.

This process can be confronting for some contributors. Please consider this before submitting your work.

  • READ ARCHER MAGAZINE – we ONLY consider pitches from writers that are familiar with our content, both print and online
  • Ask yourself the following questions:
    • Has this topic been covered before?
    • Am I the right person to cover this content?
    • Is my article going to offend, alienate or defame any individual or group?

Send an email to pitch@archermagazine.com.au with:

  • A one-page summary of the article you intend to write, including:
    • Overview of your main argument and key points
    • Introduction or sample paragraph(s)
    • Any sources you intend to interview
  • A brief biography of the author (you), outlining your perspective and any writing experience
  • Examples of your writing or links to published work
  • NOTE: Please be concise, as we receive a lot of material
  • NOTE: Drafts are welcome, but there are no guarantees they’ll be read

If your pitch is successful, our editorial team will walk you through the writing and editing process, including word-counts and deadlines.

Missing deadlines may result in your piece being rejected. We rely on punctual submissions to keep the website fresh, and we don’t have time to chase you up.

Please allow up to two weeks for a response to your email. We will get back to you.

Need to ask a question? Contact our editorial team, pitch@archermagazine.com.au, with your queries.

Sexuality - Gender - Identity