Stories about: colonialism
As a trans Filipino sex worker, I’ve been using my gloryhole to create art with my clients, lovers and fellow sex workers.
Pine Gap spy base sits on stolen Arrernte lands, fuelling the forgotten war machine of Australia.
We should be allied against a right-wing that seeks to undermine feminist, queer, trans, anti-racist movements, to destroy unions and to engage in climate destruction for a profit.
Let me say this for the record: people who hold and express fatphobic convictions may identify as queer, but they certainly are not embodying queerness.
“I know that poetry is political. I know also that it’s inseparable from action.”
Hasib Hourani chats to Archer Magazine.
If I don’t avoid everything French, it feels like I’m endorsing the country that causes my communities so much misery.
It’s like we are refugees in our own country, on our own land. Hunted by coppers and racists alike, we remember how our ancestors must have felt as we live through it.
A good friend of mine recently asked me to write a piece on the way that depression has impacted my life for a friend’s blog. Thinking about it, I came to realize that the psychological illnesses I have incurred over the years are situated within the history of postcolonial trauma. My ancestral heritage goes back …